The McHenry family produces in the traditional way one of the best gins in Australia. The attention to detail and the very high quality of the product make it a UNIQUE GIN.
The use of native botanicals, which cannot be found in other countries of the world, make it a special product. The very pure water of the spring contributes significantly to its exceptional quality.
William Mc Henry, made distillation a way of life. Celtic Gaelic traditions, contact and respect for nature above all.
William McHenry Distillery sits on one side of Mount Arthur and is located on the Tasman Peninsula.
Mount Arthur stands sentinel over Port Arthur and this great southern port, with its deep harbour, opens southward onto the Great Southern Ocean.
Port Arthur is a welcome sight to weary mariners, who having entered, can look back and imagine the South Pole due south of them, separated by 5,000km of mountainous salty brine.
McHenry Distillery is Australia’s southern most whisky distillery and with its family heritage makes it the southernmost family run distillery in the world. Its location
takes advantage of the cool-moist maritime environment, giving the maturing spirit the right conditions to make the most of its time in the wooden barrels.
The property also has its own abundant pure spring water which becomes the heart of the developing spirit.

Located in the trendy Telliskivi area, Junimperium Distillery is the first artisan gin distillery opened in Estonia. The history of Junimperium gin began with the love for high quality artisan gin. Aspiring to create a rare harmony between centuries of traditions and something completely unique.